“No Pain, No Gain” is Dead, Long Live Being Fit Enough

Many of the guys who become my clients have a specific goal in mind, but many more see their target as being fit enough for their health and looks. There are definitely some who want to build muscle mass – though I’m not a bodybuilding trainer as my specialty – and the majority would say that weight loss is on their list. Still, throughout the length of my career, I’ve noticed a shift in what people want, and it really does involve a sharp movement away from the old “no pain, no gain” attitude.

Overtraining Syndrome: What is It and How to Prevent It

For this week’s blog topic, I’ve decided to dive into overtraining syndrome. I hope you liked Bree’s post last week. It was fun that she decided to get her two cents in here too, since she’s got a good perspective on fitness, diet and weight control too. But I’m back behind the wheel here and am ready to talk about the importance of recovery to your intense training workout.