How Much Exercise Do You Need After a Day at Your Desk?

Ever wondered how much exercise you need to balance out the day you spent sitting at your computer for work? It’s no mystery that being sedentary for huge periods of time isn’t good for you. In fact, it’s horrible for you.  If I were to tell you to tell you that sitting all day long is bad for you, you’d be kind if your reaction was just “duh, Joe”. Some of us even know how bad it is for us. 

Why I Don’t Work Out on an Empty Stomach

There are a lot of people who like to work out on an empty stomach. They all have their own reasons for doing it. Some people like getting up, putting on their shoes, and heading out for a run before doing anything else. Others believe that it benefits them in one way or another. I don’t.

5 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips I’ve Learned in the Last Month

Over the last month or so, I’ve been doing a lot of research for this blog and have come across some amazing science-backed weight loss tips that I’ve been collecting. I was thinking of doing a separate post about each one – and I still might – but for now I feel like they’re much too good to keep to myself.  So, you can probably expect me to expand on some – or all – of these in the future, but here is a list of great ones to help get you started. My Favorite 5 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips from a Month of Research While researching, I probably came across hundreds of tips, but I’ve tried to keep the science-backed weight loss advice separate.  That way, at least I know it’s not just a matter of sounding right. It actually has some research to stand behind it. 1 – Read More