Hey, thanks for visiting my site. I’ve been working long and hard on it and hope that it will bring you some benefit as you work on your health, weight & fitness.
I am Joe Slyth, and am originally from Australia (hence the AU in AUJoe.) I now live in Dallas, Texas, where I work as a personal trainer for average guys just like you. I didn’t start here. I used to be 80lb overweight and couldn’t bench press if you paid me to. As part of my weight loss journey, I began to understand how to have a healthy lifestyle, instead of just dieting. I have been blogging about maintaining a proper diet, strength training, and dedication to cardiovascular activity for many years now. Being active, feeling good about yourself, setting a goal and putting your mind to achieving it, are the key ingredients to having a healthy lifestyle.
I have to give a huge shout out to my longtime girlfriend , Breeze, who encourages me to work hard and play hard. We workout together whenever possible, and work on keeping each other motivated & laughing. Because of her and the lessons I’ve learned, I am maintaining the healthy weight that I worked so hard to achieve.
Any type of exercise is good for the body and muscles. Our muscle growth is essential if you want to look better and feel better about yourself. I also spent my time playing basketball and biking. It just makes me feel good to be outside, having a great time while my sweat is dripping.
So, who wants to be fit, lose weight and maintain a healthy body with me? The health journey is easier when you’re surrounded by people who truly care about your progress and will support and push you to succeed! So change your life, and ride with Joe!